Member of New Zealand Association of Counsellors
Helping you work through life's changes
Liz Ross Smith is a Hawkes Bay Counsellor based in Napier

I draw on life experiences, learnings from my studies and from the wisdom in every client I meet. A mother and grandmother, I was born here on the Heretaunga Plains and have lived here for the past 30 years. "My identity is grounded in my sense of place and I draw inspiration from our community and environment".
My Counselling Services
I draw on therapeutic advantages in the Aotearoa designed holisitic framework of Te Whare Tapa Wha, which can help clients to gain balance and calm confidence. "This model demonstrates strengths and vulnerabilities in what makes us who we are. Once we have more understanding of these we can focus on enhancing our strengths and nurturing those vulnerable areas."
"I work confidentially and collaboratively; I know clients are the experts in their own lives. I aim to help people come to terms with 'what is' as well as encouraging hope".

Training and Profession
I gained a Batchelor of Applied Social Science majoring in Counselling underpinned by Person Centred therapy from Eastern Institute of Technology Hawkes Bay.
A Member of the NZ Association of Counsellors, I continue to gain insights from Professional Development and regular Supervision.

Special Interest Areas
All of us experience changes in our lives; less often we also face major upheavals which cause distress and anguish. "I aim to allow a safe space in which to gain insights to see more clearly, in order to navigate these changes".
"Along with one-on-one clients and couples I have always co-facilitated group work. My special passions lie in working with women and maternal mental health, and mindfulness based stress reduction".

Email, call or message to book.
Get in Touch
Please contact me if you would like to discuss what counselling services could look like for you, or to book a time to meet.

We need hope like we need air
Brene Brown